Product Idea |

Minas Tirith

Hello! This is my newest project idea on Lego Ideas, Minas Tirith from the Lord of the Rings. The castle Minas Tirith is the White City, where the Siege in Minas Tirith occurs, a battle between the men of Rohan and Gondor, and the orcs of Mordor. I think it would be great to see another Lotr set, and there were many great pieces of architecture that were not included in the Lotr and hobbit line, such as Barad-dur, Edoras, Osgiliath, and Minas Morgul. I think this would be one of if not the best model to create from the Lord of the Rings because of its significance in the books and films.

Piece count: 2000-3000

I used primarily white, dark grey, and yellow (for interior stability) parts. This took a few months to build very off and on, building some medieval creations in between. I used hinge pieces to achieve the curves in the walls, a technique I generally use for curves.

Thank you for checking out my newest project! Please support!

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