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The Secret of Monkey Island - Scumm Bar

The secret of monkey island - Scumm Bar

"My Name is Guybrush Threepwood and I want to be a pirat"

That's how we got to know and love the hero of LucasArts' point and click adventure games! 

What is it?

I modelled it exactly on what we experience in Monkey Island 1 on Mêlée Island after we explain to the old man on the lookout post that we want to become a pirate. We click our way down the mountain through a passageway by looking at a poster of Governor Elaine Marley onto a footbridge. Here the picture changes and you can see what I am showing you today in my Lego Ideas set. The walkway leads back to land and in front of us is the most famous pirate bar of all time, the "Scumm Bar". With the Cousor cross (also included in the set) we click through the commands "go to" and "open" to get into the bar. This is where my set ends again. I've stuck absolutely to the template, the colours are from the version I played myself in the mid-90s and still play today. 

Why did I build it?

Monkey Island was my introduction to the world of computer games and I'll never forget how I constantly annoyed my older brother because he was already further ahead than me, he never helped me (and that's a good thing) and so I mastered the game on my own. I still enjoy playing Monkey Island today. 

Why would it make a good set?

Monkey Island still has a lot of fans today, the absolute majority my age, and retro games are also very popular today. 

I am sure that such a set would have a lot of fans, I myself would love to build it, display it and play through the game again. Which I will do now that I've written this :-)

I hope I could awake some nostalgia with my set and you like it. 

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