Product Idea |

UCS Star Wars Saga J-Type Naboo Cruiser

In Star Wars, Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, the first ship we get a good look at is a giant J-Type Naboo Cruiser carrying Padme's decoy. With it's huge wing span, four hyperdrive engines, and its sleek design, the Naboo Cruiser is a ship any minifigure would love to get their little hands on.


Passenger/security room with ramp. Monitor in back with droid.

Two functional landing feet (flying position).

Five minifigures: Padme's decoy, security officer, two security guards, R3-T8, security camera monitor, pilot.

The only parts on the outside that wouldn't be chrome would be the window (black tile in front of pilot), and the landing gears. All else would be a nice, shiny silver.

I hope you enjoy this idea, and wish it to become true. I will soon have an improved image of the cruiser for the main image soon.

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