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Pac Man Figures



 If you like this, support my Nintendo Consoles! It is nearly at 1,000! Help make it a project today! Thanks! 

Hey everyone! Danthelegoman here!

Today, I would like to present to you my project, Pac Man
This project was a recreation of the characters from the classic arcade game Pacman. I still enjoy playing this arcade game even today. It was fun trying to get the highest score, I never did though. I feel that this would be a cool display piece for a desk, shelf, or office.  There are millions of people who have played Pacman. I need only 10,000 to qualify for a Lego Ideas set. 

This project was built by me, and was rendered by R2rules.  

Please support my project, and check out my other projects, including the Nintendo Consoles, and the medieval village. Thanks! 

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