Product Idea |

Marble Loop 03


This is a LEGO GBC (Great Ball Contraption) MiniLoop. Its purpose is to move small balls in a circuit. It can be driven with a hand winch or a LEGO Power Functions Motor. It uses two balls to show its mechanical movements. It has a storage container on the back for the balls. This project is small enough and strong enough to easily transport.

The balls recycle to continuously feeds the machine with balls. The catapult shoots up one ball at a time in a continuous loop. It works well as a desk or table display. It is fun to play with and to look at. Learn about the Mechanics of LEGO in action.   

YouTube Channel with more GBC Videos:

My other Projects Here on LEGO Ideas:

  1. Mini Loop 01:
  2. Mini Loop 02
  3. Marble Zig Zag Up
  4. 7 Foot Tall Marble Tower
  5. Portal
  6.  Marble Train

More Projects will come soon. Thank you for the support! Please: Like, Share, Comment, Support, or even Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here:

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