After 5 years, several new LEGO elements and programs were released to help designers create their ideas. I debated for awhile if I wanted to create something new, or reimagine an old idea. I chose my Modular Arcade, one of my oldest projects, to be reimagined using new bricks!
This reimagined Modular Arcade now includes 5 main areas: Pizzeria, Music Store (NEW), Arcade, Apartment, and Balcony. Details are listed below!
- Phone booth
- Coin operated spaceship ride
- Balcony with lounge chairs, plants, pergola, and fire pit
- Pizza, pizza, PIZZA
- Overly enthusiastic Pizza Guy with sale sign
- Detailed brick oven with menu
- Fountain drink dispenser
Music Store (NEW)
- Several instruments, including acoustic and electric guitars, saxophones
- Boomboxes and storage cases
- VIDIYO Beatbit album covers
Arcade Floor:
- Prize counter, with several easter egg prizes including Collectible Minifig 1x1 tiles!
- Skee ball
- Classic air hockey table
- Dancing game
- Classic arcade machine
- Racing arcade machine
- Blaster arcade machine
- Claw machine
- GALIDOR pinball machine
Apartment Floor:
- Fully detailed kitchen with utensils and mixing machine
- Bedroom with detailed standing lamp
- And more!
So many more details have been added compared to the original 2017 model. I'll leave them for you to discover!
Thanks for reading! And be sure to support! Perhaps this could be the first officially approved modular through LEGO Ideas...