Product Idea |

Backyard Chickens

What is it?
This LEGO set is a model of urban homesteading; specifically backyard chicken keeping. This set shows how many households area adapting their backyards to include raising egg-laying chickens, gardening, and composting to be more self-sufficient and environmentally conscious.

Why did you build it?
I built this set to show how our household has integrated backyard chicken keeping in our city with the hopes that it will inspire others interested in raising chickens in their own backyard to move forward and realized they are not alone.

Why do you believe this would make a great LEGO set?:
A backyard chicken keeping LEGO set would be a fantastic addition to the LEGO family for several reasons, directly aligning with the core values of the LEGO brand:
  • Imagination and Creativity: Building a LEGO chicken coop and garden would spark endless imaginative play for children. They could design and construct their own unique coop, complete with all the necessary features like nesting boxes, a run, and a feeder. The possibilities for customization and storytelling are endless, fostering creativity and a love for building.
  • Curiosity and Learning: Backyard chicken keeping is a fascinating hobby that teaches children about animal care, responsibility, and the natural world. A LEGO set could introduce them to these concepts in a fun and engaging way, igniting their curiosity about where food comes from and how to care for living creatures.
  • Caring and Quality: Chickens are social animals that require love and attention. A LEGO set that encourages children to build a safe and comfortable home for their feathered friends perfectly embodies the LEGO values of caring and quality. The act of nurturing virtual chickens can instill empathy and a sense of responsibility in young minds.
  • Fun: Let's face it, chickens are just plain fun! A LEGO chicken coop playset would provide hours of entertainment for children of all ages. They could imagine collecting eggs, watching the chickens peck around the yard, and even creating their own chicken-themed stories. The element of fun aligns perfectly with the LEGO brand's commitment to providing enjoyable and engaging experiences for children.
Furthermore, a backyard chicken keeping set taps into the growing trend of urban homesteading, a movement that resonates with the LEGO brand's emphasis on sustainability and environmental awareness. As more and more people seek ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, a LEGO set that celebrates this trend would be timely and relevant. Children can learn about composting, reducing food waste, and the importance of local food production through play, aligning with the LEGO brand's values of learning and caring for the planet.
In conclusion, a backyard chicken keeping LEGO set is a perfect fit for the LEGO brand. It sparks imagination and creativity, ignites curiosity and learning, fosters caring and quality, and most importantly, provides hours of fun.

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