Product Idea |

Trick or Treat on Hallows Street

This particular Halloween set portrays Trick or Treaters visiting a house on Hallows Street for a party where the children can enjoy treats and drinks. One of the children realizes that all is not as it seems when he wonders up to the second floor to snoop. There he encounters some scary guests inhabiting the house as well as a skeleton hanging from the rafters in the attic above him. What will become of the children, and what is the witch inside brewing up in her cauldron that they are drinking? That is up to the imagination of anyone playing with or displaying this set. 
I wanted to make a set for Halloween which included several favorite characters from Halloween and make it a diverse set that was not too scary but just scary enough so that all could enjoy. I wanted the house to have a few elaborate halloween decorations outside such as the pumpkin faces and swirls on the outside of the attic, the skeleton horsemen from the civil war era dueling in the back, the grave and the scarecrow. The grave opens up to expose the corpse of Mr Back, that has returned, as stated on the headstone, reading “Will B. Back”. Also n the back of the house you will find a boy in a pirate costume bobbing for apples. The porch includes a carved pumpkin; with a glow in the dark head inside, sitting on the front rail. 
The attic roof, second floor roof with the attic, as well as the first floor roof with floors above detach by lifting off for viewing and placements of parts. Inside the attic you will find a skeleton hanging from the rafters through the opening to the second floor where the ladder is, as well as someone else’s bones and other scary inhabitants. When peeking through the windows you will see such things as a ghost, black cat, Frankenstein, a candelabra, the detached head of Mrs. Back, the party, candles, the scared cowboy on the second floor and the skeleton descending from the attic above him as well as beds belonging to the hosts. 

This set contains 2287 lego pieces and I feel will be a fun set to build and display with all of the different elements.

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