Product Idea |

Large Steamer


Double 37!

This update is not necessary, but I wanted to show you this crazy scene! Look at this:

There's a double 37 in there! Even though this update isn't necessary, I wanted to show you all anyway. Have a good day, everyone! By cheesy. 7/5/2017


Rendering Rocks!

Never before have I tried rendering my Lego ​models. That time shall stop right now! ​Take a look at the standard version of my recent Reality Model that I call ​Atlantica:

She does not look as good as she could ​look! Now that I have a rendering program on my laptop, I can make my models look even better! Now ​take a look at her:

Thank you all for viewing! Have a spectacular day, folks! ​(By cheesy. 6/26/2017)



I forgot the bell!

When I posted this project, I forgot to include in my description that the bell ​on the Large Steamer ​actually moves! There are some photos below to show that the bell ​does indeed move. Have a nice day! ​(By cheesy. 6/13/2017)

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