Product Idea |

ALF's Earthly Hideout

Who says aliens don't have a good sense of humor? One of the funniest ones around was "Lucky" enough to crash into the Tanner's residence. And made the best of it.
The reason for creating this set is that ALF, which stands for: "Alien Life Form", was one of my favourite television shows back in the eighties.
And now, watching back episodes it's clear why. The character is just adorable. He behaves almost as a human, and shows that what we often take for granted has been taught to us at some point.
Like using a towel may be a better idea than enrolling a full toilet roll (first episode).
I started constructing the model at the start of the "If we could turn back time challenge", only to finish a bit later. I think ALFdeserves a podium.

What I also like about the show when looking at the subjects for all the episodes is the shear amount of creativity that has been put in by the writers of the series. Each of the 102 episodes was based on a famous song.

The model focuses on the living room with the main pieces of furniture: cosy sofa's, the tv, fire place, plants and chandeliers. ALF needs to stay at home a lot, since the government and scientists are after him.
Brian, Lynn, Kate and Willie are all there as ALF's new family, as is Mrs Ochmonek, eager to have a quiet evening looking after the home watching a movie while enjoying pizza. ALF, going by the real name of Gordon, can't stay away from the pizza and is giving Mrs Ochmonek an extra scary night. This was the "Strangers in the night" episode.

ALF dearly misses his friends.There's a radio shed for ALF to try and fix his spaceship to get back to Melmac, or what's left of it.
The canopy through which the Tanners first saw ALF has he crashed through the roof is visible from inside the place where Willie exercises his amateur radio hobby.
Also Lucky the cat is included, cosy sofa's, the tv, the kitchen and the garden.
It would be fantastic to have ALF as a LEGO set to bring back memories with a smile, and to tell the jokes with the cute alien.

The set contains 1307 parts.
Hope we can all make ALF feel at home at our own place some time!

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