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The Red House

Welcome to the Red House. My name is Jerimiah flint. I shovel the snow of the sidewalks for living. It's hard work but I love it. You’re interested in the red house hey? Well then let me tell you about it. Back in 1875 Jeremy banker built the house as his residence. He and all the other bankers after him hold high positions at the Legoland bank. His son Bob banker now lives there. Now that I have told you about the bankers, I think it is time for you to meet them. Good afternoon, I see you have been talking to Jerimiah. You want to know about the house. Well then, I'll describe to you the interior the house. On the first floor there is a kitchen, bedroom, and pantry. On the second floor there is a bedroom, closet, and bathroom. I hope that answered all your questions. Now if you excuse me, I must go to the bank.

Now that the Bob and Jerimiah have told you their tale, I will tell you the specifics. The build has 1775 pieces. The tail pieces that I used on the roof unfortunately did not come without stickers on studio. So I had to make do and use what I had. I hope you enjoyed. Please support and have a nice day.

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