Product Idea |

Technical Museum - Exhibition "History of the Automobile"


AMAZING! More than 500 supporters! We count 503 supporters and 380 days are still left!

Half way to the 2nd milestone (1000 supporters) is done. Time to show you the first car of this diorama in a little more detail. Let's start with the car that represents the 80s:

My intention was to don't copy a real car, but I needed a roll model. Although, this car looks like many others of the intended era (e.g., Fiat Tipo, Opel Kadett, Peugeot 205, Audi 50, etc.) I decided to use a classic - the VW Golf Gen 1/2.

This car stands out due to its compact but also very straight and angular shape. Cars of this era had less curvy shapes and were primarily designed for inexpensive mass production. They were simply designed, but also increasingly became a prestige object for their drivers.
I wanted to reflect that a little in my work.

I hope you enjoyed the update. The next character will be introduced with around 2500 to 3000 supporters. Depands on the progress. Until then,


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