Product Idea
Game Night - A Tribute to Modern Board Gaming
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It’s friday evening, your cumbersome nine-to-five workweek of shifting stacks of paper around is finally over. The kids are in bed and your friends just arrived. Time to… well… shift stacks of paper around again. But this time, it’s the fun colorful ones: Playing cards. And wooden meeples. And sheeples. And so on… Yes, it's time again... Time for an epic game night!
But what to play this night? All your favorite fake board games are there, neatly stored on the shelves in your gaming room. There’s Tickle to Ride, a modern classic for families and friends. Or should you play Dim Onion, that weird deck building game about lamps that look like onions and onions that look like lamps? Ars Nova could be an option as well, but you haven’t sleeved the new Aquarelle expansion yet. Or how about Castles of Billund? Yeah, that one is always fun… Alright, let’s go!
My little project pays tribute to my other big passion besides LEGO. Playing modern board games with family and friends. I’ve been a so called “board game geek” – that’s the board gaming equivalent for AFOL – for about 15 years. I have the great luck to share this passion with my wife and many of our friends. We’ve spent countless evenings playing all kinds of modern board games together… well, to be honest, the evenings aren’t really “countless”, because I’ve been tracking all our plays since 2011.
My product idea shows a little game room scene that tries to capture the relaxed and cozy atmosphere of these game nights. Obviously, some shelves with board games were a must-have for that scene, and so I went the extra-mile and created some fake game covers.
There are also some other gaming related items on display: A dice tower on the sideboard, the Crokinole Board hanging on the wall, a box with your unfinished and rather clumsy first attempts at miniature painting and more...
Oh, and then there is of course the main special feature of my design: the whole gaming room is built into an oversized and fully closed dice modell that can be unfolded from the front side. When opening the die, the game room slides out a few inches to allow for a better view of the scene.
I've really enjoyed building this crossover project of my two big hobbies and I hope that you enjoy my idea. Happy gaming and building!