Product Idea |

Japan Overpass

Tokyo (in particular) is a multi-level urban structure, and it is frequent that one has to go under a train track or over some stretch of road. These overpasses are often converted into very lively market streets, such as in Ameyayokochô between Ueno and Asakusa.
Built of four 16 x 16 modules, this little stretch of overpass (with a train track on top) features (from left to right) a chopstick store, a coffee chain store, a tunnel and a place that's still in the middle of refurbishing. All modules (except for the tunnel/bridge) have a removable roof, allowing to peer into what is a very cramped, but also very full interior.
The whole thing is built around the same principles as my previous submissions, and could therefore serve as the basis for a series of independant modules letting LEGO fans create their own, true-to-life (or close) Japanese landscape. The model shown here has a piece count slightly under 2000 bricks.

Note that since this is a digital build, there are no minifigs. There are also no stickers (except for the odd, official printed piece), which could be added to bring some more detail to the signs.

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