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The Safari Lodge

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The Second Milestone

A 1000 thank you's to all 1000 supporters of The Safari Lodge! We have made it to the second milestone! Now the project has 570 days to get to the 10K, so let's go for it!

It's quite a road to go still, but with all the help we need like a boost of votes, people with many followers sharing this project etc. it is definitely possible. So come on, who is in for a LEGO Safari?


The animal reliefs

The outside walls of the lodge, I have decorated with animal reliefs. The first one I'd like to show is the rhinoceros relief. The animal is standing next to a plant or tree.
On another side of the lodge is the relief of two elephants drinking water.

Perhaps one of the most magnificent relief is crocodile. It's quite large. And it was fun to build!

The wall at the terrace side does not have a mural or relief but perhaps, I will come up with one.

It has mainly bushes for now because I also wanted to give the outpost some natural feeling. After all, the Safari Lodge is in a national reserve or park, very close to the African bush.

To be continued ... hopefully we will reach the 2nd milestone of 1K soon!


The Roof

The roof is very typical looking because of the use of the modified plate (1x2) with 'rock fingers' in order to give it the appearance of a thatched roof. I really had fun time building this part of the lodge for it was a nice challenge!

It is also possible to modify the roof by placing the darker bricks on the edges and the lighter ones more to the middle.

When you look underneath the roof, you can see a 'wooden' looking pattern. The brown bricks form the wooden skeleton on with the reeds are placed. These bricks mainly exist of plates and inverted curved slopes.
The mosquito nets for the two beds on the second floor are attached to the roof and from there they drop downward just above the beds beneath. I have given them the trans-aqua color.
Let's move forward to the next milestone!


The interior of The Safari Lodge

The interior of the Lodge exists of one terrace on the first floor, a bed/living room and a bathroom. From the terrace one can have a view over the Savanne and the wildlife in the distance. The bedroom has two beds with mosquito nets above them. There is a table with a laptop in order to have a good look at your Safari photo's and to send them forward to friends and family at home. There's also room to store the suitcases. Next to the entrance on the left, there a small mini-bar.

The second floor can only be reached by the staircase outside the lodge. Upstairs, there are also two beds (with mosquito nets - which are connected to the roof). There are two comfortable chairs, like the one downstairs, a swing chair that can be turned in every direction and a table. From this outpost the Safari adventurer will have a breath taking view of the African plains. The metal green binoculars (on the left) can be used for that as well.

Let's continue to the next milestone of 1K supporters!


Hippo in the water!

The belly and the legs of the hippo can be taken off in order to let the big creature laze in the water as hippo's like to do!

We still need a lot of supporters to reach the next milestone of 1K Supporters! Come on, let's go for it!


The First Milestone!

A huge thank you to the first 100 supporters! The Safari Lodge has reached the very First Milestone!

Let's continue to the second! Quite some 900 miles, I mean, supporters to go in order to get there.

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