Product Idea |

Happy Holidays Christmas LEGO Card

Everyone loves the holiday season, so why not celebrate with a LEGO card,
something i haven't seen and thought, would be an excellent LEGO idea.
The nighttime scene includeds a micro village with a bridge, clock tower and frozen lake .at the base of the seasonal card, using 1x4 modified bricks to make ledge covering the studs off with tiles of different sizes, also using trans yellow tiles to emluate the warm glow on a winters eve.
there is 2x 16x 16 plates hinged together making this easy to open and close.
on the back of the card you will see plants making fir trees , i have turned them upsid down and put them on a 1x4 bar to give the effect of a fir tree, separating the white of snow with the green of leaves.
with transparent snow flakes and a cloudy moon sky - i thoroughly enjoyed designing this model and i hope you like it too

more seasons to come
thank you

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