Product Idea |

Art Gallery With Bird Exhibition

A customisable art gallery that folds out, revealing multiple spaces and a bird-themed art exhibition. 

Tour the display, or mash it up and create your own works of art from the tiled mosaic canvasses and sculptures provided. 

The set combines five kinds of fun, and more! 

  • BUILD a modular art gallery that folds out into multiple display options. 
  • TOUR the gallery and enjoy the art.
  • CURATE an art show and install the supplied artworks across the different gallery spaces.
  • CREATE your own original art from the parts provided.
  • HOST your own solo or group art exhibition. 
  • The current show offers food for thought - just like a life-size art exhibition. 
  • Gallery footprint is compatible with standard LEGO modular buildings. 

Four minifigures included:
  • 1 gallery attendant.
  • 2 gallery visitors.
  • 1 monotone sculpture.

Enjoy your very own LEGO art gallery and hone your creativity!

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