Product Idea |

Barnes & Noble and Starbucks Store

Hello all,

This Barnes and Noble store is a big modular building that has 3 fully furnished floors. The first two floors sell books and toys, while the third floor is a Starbucks Cafe. This building (mostly) follows the official modular's guidelines. Please support this store - Minifigs need a bookstore to expand their knowledge, and a coffee shop to stay awake! (and stay trendy!)

-I estimate this at 3500 pieces; It's fully furnished and tiled. (5/2/13 EDIT - 4600 pieces! I blame the tiled interior floors!)
-It sits on 2 32x32 baseplates. Its roof height is slightly taller than most of the official modular building sets. In terms of size it roughly 50% bigger than official modular sets.
-For the most part, it adheres to TLG's modular standard. This MOC however sits 2 plate thickness higher than official sets, but that's just because my layout demands it---one can easily build this straight on a baseplate.
Please check out the rest of the images here! Thanks for looking!
.LXF file, check it out!

3/8/13 - 100 supports - Thanks all! Keep 'em coming!
7/23/13 - 500 supports - Thanks! 9500 more to go!

Street view

LDD Version! 99% accurate.

First two floors contains a large collection books. Here, either they find their book here and go down the escalator to checkout, or go to the third floor to relax for a bit.

The top floor is where minifigs can get some Starbucks Coffee. Whether they want coffee or munch on a cupcake, the barista minifig has the customers covered.

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