Product Idea |

Lego HeroQuest


2500+ supporters!

Hello everyone! Thought it was about time I posted an update. 2500+ supporters! Wow! We’re a quarter of the way there! I love the positive response this project has received and I am so excited to see those numbers continue to grow.


So I felt inspired to post a new image, a Lego stylized version of the original game artwork haha! I would have liked to have used the logo but I want to keep mindful of the Ideas line rules and so a homage to the great artwork of the original will have to do. A bit of forced perspective trickery involved to pull it off (and a minifig with a knee…). I hope you all enjoy!

A special thanks to those that have shared this project on various forums and such. It is an incredible feeling to see how much you all care, especially when I see Lego HeroQuest pop up on other websites. I haven’t actually done anything personally to promote the project beyond this website – I really should but I‘m not the most knowledgeable in that area.

Word of mouth has got us this far, but if anyone has any tips on how to get our Lego HeroQuest seen by more people and trending, I would love to hear about it. Please share and give me tips on what I should be doing to promote this too in the comments.

Together we can make this idea become a reality!

I also found the Bard’s HeroQuest review from reading so many comments saying “the best thing about HeroQuest…” hilarious! I wonder what he would make of this…

Best regards,


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