Product Idea |

Ocean Ecosystems


Ocean Ecosystems Will be Returning... Very Soon!

Hi Everyone!

It's been an exciting journey this past year! Thank you everyone for taking time to support and leave constructive feedback for Ocean Ecosystems!  :D


I have exciting news: Ocean Ecosystems will be returning very soon!


Update for the Kelp Forest!

Hi Everyone!

First, I would like to thank everyone for helping to get Ocean Ecosystems to over 100 supports in just five days! I really appreciate all of your support and feedback on this educational project. Second, I have what I believe is an important update for this project: a diver for the Kelp Forest! With a diver for the Coral Reef and a deep-sea probe for the Hydrothermal Vent, it seemed that the Kelp Forest was the only scene lacking some sort of ocean explorer, so that's why I decided to add a diver specifically for the Kelp Forest.

Thanks again everyone!

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