Product Idea |

The Royal Zeppelin


This is an improved version of my very first project ("Royal Zeppelin").I had to take one balloon out to make it look better but overall I am actually quite pleased with the result!

Picture 1: The 3 characters; The cabin Boy, First Officer and Admiral

Picture 2: The cabin Boy having to clean the deck

Picture 3: The First Officer looking out into the horizon whilest being in the crows' nest

Picture 4: The Admiral behind the steering wheel

Picture 5: Simple stand for the ship to be put on so it doesn't topple ( I didn't want to overdo the stand as I want most of the attention on the ship itself)

Pictures 6,7,8,9: Back, Side, and Front view of the ship with the stand beneath it (And yes the Propeller at the back does spin freely and could be motorised if someone wished to do so)


I only added one cannon as I didn't want to overdo it,  but I guessed a ship does need to defend itself even if eith only one cannon.

If you do like this project do comment on what could be improved on as that will help make the build better!

(AND I only just realised that the pictures are jumbled up sorry! (I don't know how to fix that.. ))


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