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Now support is 1,000 over!

Thank you for ALL great supports!

This is the Monorail.

But this is not LEGO's Monorail. This rests upon and around the single rail.

Please check this promotional video in Youtube.
Lego Monorail

I took part in Brickfair VA 2012.
Thank you for watching my Monorail!
I'm very happy. Thank you for all again!!
Monorail, Piano and Car in Brickfair VA 2012

I built this Monorail using Power Function System.
So we can enjoy the remote operation. Stop, Go and Speed Control.

And this track are built of regular bricks!
So we can enjoy building the track and layout is free!!!

The works of this design are as follows.
(1) Monorail main unit
(2) Straight Rail (We can build basic parts.)
(3) Curved Rail (We can build basic parts, but we want Curved Rail.)
(4) Slope Rail
(5) Switch Rail
(6) Station of Monorail
(7) Using Power Function System
(8) System of Control the Switch Rail

Please support this project!

I try to evolve this monorail. Please check it this videos in Youtube!
Lego Monorail Graded Rail test 4
Lego Monorail Graded Rail test 3
Lego Monorail Graded Rail test 2
Lego Monorail Graded Rail test

Lego Monorail Switch Rail test 2.1 for Double Track 2
Lego Monorail Switch Rail test for Double Track 2

You can watch this Monorail in Youtube.
Lego Monorail Switch Rail test for Double Track
Lego Monorail Switch Rail test 2 for Double Track
Lego Monorail with Power Function & RCX
Lego Monorail Switch Rail test 2 for Double Track with RCX

And you can check the making.
How to make LEGO Monorail
How to make the Switch Rail of LEGO Monorail
How to make the Rail of LEGO Monorail

Project History :
1,000 Supporters - Dec 10th, 2013
2,000 Supporters -

----- Japanese -----




(1) モノレール本体
(2) 直線レール(既存のブロックで組み立て可能)
(3) 曲線レール
(4) 勾配をともなうレール
(5) スイッチレール
(6) モノレールの駅
(7) モノレールの動力はパワーファンクションを使用
(8) スイッチレールを駆動するシステム

This is Curved Rail.
We can build the Curved Rail by Basic Parts. This is very important!
Because, Rail's Layout is FREE!!!

This is Switch Rail.
I use RCX, but we want new simple system for moving.
And the system has to protect from going off the rail.

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