1000 Supports
Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me achieve 1000 supports! We're 10% there of the needed 10,000, but unfortunately time is running out. So please continue to spread the word!
Promotional Video
I have made a promotional video: http://youtu.be/Dz09Mk53A6I
I would really appreciate it if you would share it with your friends and family so that this can achieve 10,000 supports!
500 Supports
Thank you so much everyone who has supported thus far! Now only 9500 supports left...
As always, please continue sharing this so that it can become an official LEGO set.
Now on Flickr and MOCpages
This creation is now on Flickr and MOCpages!
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/73032062@N08/sets/72157644706458255/
- http://mocpages.com/moc.php/388732
Please share this with all your family and friends!