Product Idea |

DNA Double Helix (A Form)

Based on my previous (DNA double helix) model, this is the "A form" double helix structure. Instead of being diametrically opposite each other, there is a 90 degree rotation between the two helixes. The model has 30 levels to give a one full revolution of the helixes.

My daughter (a Biomedicine student) asked me if it was possible to make the "A form" double helix out of Lego. Because the central column is made of the 1x1 brick with 4 side studs - this allows the 2 helixes to move into a 0 & 90-degree position.

This model would make a great Lego model because: it represents the alternative "A-form" DNA structure; its fun to build; the central column means a rigid structure; it has an attractive green colour scheme with transparent round bricks; it makes an interesting desk sculpture; it could be used as an educational aid; it would look great on a rotating base; its appealing to anyone studying the sciences.

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