Product Idea |

Afrofuturism: Ideal City 2050

Ideal City 2050 is a great urban landscape design with sustainable architecture ideas and applied a unique style of Black elements. The buildings and towers are presented with various shapes like square, rectangle, circle forms as well as emphasize the hierarchy of the city through high and low of the structure.

 The inspiration is from "Epa" two square shapes connected together, - Adinkra symbols of Africa a great symbol of law and justice. I placed the buildings on this form to highlight the circulation of the city. The model is based on three main colors (60 percent of the primary color is black; 30 percent of the secondary color is transparent white; 10 percent of the accent color is transparent brown) to show different hierarchies and show well functions and streamlined form.

Especially, I like to use a light cycle of Tron for stop stations and lighting the city. The flying vehicle is a movement factor that made the city become more dynamic and "Afrofuturism."

Through this model, I'd to tell people to know more about perspective views about the aesthetic of art, architecture, and human beings in black culture and also show what "Afrofuturism" looks like.

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