Product Idea |

The Ghost Galley (Mechanical Model)


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The moonlit night is eerily silent, only broken by the snoring of the crew below deck as you watch
over the sea. Suddenly, a faint sound is carried over the water - a drum, and a silhouette appear in
the mist. “What is it? Is it a ship? How can it be, it is going against the wind! No, it cannot be, can it?

The inspiration to create this ship found me as I admired a model of a late 16th-century galley in a museum. I realised that Lego never has made this type of ship before and that it offers the opportunity to integrate many interesting mechanical functions. I believe the plethora of mechanical functions and play features sets this ship apart from any previously released by Lego and that these will appeal to both the younger, as well as the older Lego fan.

Functions and Features
The primary function of the build is the rowing action. As you push the galley forward, the skeleton
crew start rowing, moving the oars in a realistic circular fashion. At the same time, the skeleton by
the forecastle starts playing the drum by moving his drumsticks, dictating the tempo for the rowers.

The second mechanical feature is hidden in the giant skull in the stern of the ship. By moving one of
the lanterns, the mouth of the skull is opened and a cannon is pushed out of it, ready to engage the

Other notable features:
  • Ram-inspired ram in the bow.
  • Removable roofs over the forecastle and the castle
  • Deployable anchor in the bow
  • Glow-in-the-dark lanterns
  • Cannons in the forecastle

I found creating this model an absolute joy, and I hope you like it too. Now, let us work together to make it a reality!

P.S. This is a galley, not a galleon. Also, not a pirate ship.

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