Product Idea |

Woody Woodpecker



Woody Woodpecker one of my childhood favourite cartoons!

While struggling to find what to do for a new LEGO Ideas projects I saw a woodpecker made with LEGO, and I thought to myself why not try another perspective in my LEGO Ideas project and try to do something completely different from what I've done until now.

Viewing that woodpecker, remembering my childhood, had recently seen the Woody Woodpecker movie, and, at least since I've been in LEGO Ideas, didn't see any other project alusive to it, I said THAT'S IT, I'm going to do a Woody Woodpecker with Lego bricks! :)

The project was made with Classic LEGO bricks, it gave me a real fight trying to find the right bricks and trying to use the less numbers of bricks possible. I also had to thought about how could I manage to stand it still, because one of the legs is above the other, but in the end everything came out great!

It was really fun while I was creating it and seeing my project get shaped and done. I wanted to finished it and see how would it come out, and in the end I was amazed how great it was. Next step will be trying to get real LEGO bricks in all the colours needed and make a real Woody Woodpecker LEGO!

I think that many collectors would love to have one of these, and the Woody Woopeckers fans as well.

Hope you like!


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