Product Idea |

Modular Fast Food

10 supporters------- 13/06/12

Here it is a new original modular for your town it is the fast food.
It's divided in three main floors plus the roof.
Let's have a look at them.

The ground Floor : Kitchens

-External: two little tables with chairs and umbrellas near a little flowerbed

-Internal: there are the kitchens with soda machine, cups, hoven and the cash desk;
there are also some tables near the windows with chairs, one lava lamp and
an old style jukebox, with a dancing minifig lol.

The 1st Floor : Dining Room

-External: there are two windows,some decorations at them and a cool banner of the fast food wich
represent a packet of french fries, a square hamburger and a glass with a straw.

-Internal: there is not so much, two wood tables with colorfull chairs :)

The 2nd Floor : Gameplay area

-External: There are some colorful bricks as decorations, two windows with cute tends

-Internal: There is a cool table tennis and pool with rackets, balls and sticks
For me that's the best floor.

And that's how it look with other lego models

Hope you like it! :D

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