Product Idea |

City Bank Town Square Branch


Every city, many towns have a bank so people can deposit and withdraw money, seek loans, etc.,.

It is a single storey structure with a semi-exposed roof as a play feature.

Included is a street lamp and mail box, tiled pavement as well and is designed to join the Big Box Hardware Store.

Included in the set is a male teller and female customer, though it can be reversed.

Security cameras sit on the roof top pointing down towards the ATM and entrance to the bank.

A computer terminal plus storage cabinets are included as well, a lot more detailing in this design than the 2011 bank & money transport set from Lego City.

Price for this set would be above 50 dollars US due to the large number of tiles being included for pavement out front of the building.

So if you like this set idea please support and follow it.

Thank you for reading and Brick On everyone ! 

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