Product Idea |

Defendant Bounty

Defendant Bounty is an attack cruiser based of attack cruisers, shuttles, and tanks you'll see in Star Wars. I'm a big fan of Star Wars and I wanted it to look like it belonged in a world like Star Wars. It can hold up to 4-5 minifigs, one as the pilot, the others being the ones transported. It also has a crate where minifigs can store supplies, located in the back compartment. Defendant Bounty is armed with a turret base for minifigs, regular turrets on both top sides, gatling cannons on both sides below it, then on the very bottom, mini guns. I'm not entirely sure what to call the guns on the bottom, for when I was building this, the main thing in my mind was, this thing needs to be loaded. I hope you all like Defendant Bounty, have a blessed day.

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