Product Idea |

Heroica Drandora Port


This new and awesome Heroica set "Drandora Port" will expand onto the amazing Draida Bay. it will be the new starting point in your quest to save Heroica. this set comes with 14 Microfigures, 5 houses, trees, shrubs, a frog, 2 docks, and 2 ships. Yours quest is to defeat the dreaded goblin captain with your hero.

The Hero's in this set are the Barbarian, the Rogue, and the Wizard. I decided to chose the Barbarian and Wizard because they are both on a sail boat in Draida Bay which probably came from Drandora. I decided to choose the Rogue because apparently this is his home town according to the Lego website. There are no new Hero's.

The enemies are:

- Goblin Warrior: 1 strength

- Goblin Pirate: 2 strength ( the goblin pirates are on rafts, so when defeated, take the raft of off the game as well.)

-Goblin Captain: 3 strength

The Items are only the treasure chest and gold in this game.

When you are on the ship, you move it normally as you do on land. But there is a few rules:                         - You cannot use your Hero's special ability

- If you get defeated while on boat, then you have to go all the way back to the dock and put your boat back where it was originally.   

Please share your comments about this project, and even the negative ones! Remember to support so we can all bring back Heroica!                                                                                                                                    



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