Product Idea |

Reindeer Stables

A place where Santa's reindeer's can call home. This 1,525 pieces set is designed to compliment Elf Club House (set 10275) and Santa's Sleigh (set 40499). It has the same style as the Elf Club House and comes with two elves. It also has four reindeers, so you can have all eight reindeers when displayed with Santa's Sleigh. It also has an elf sleigh to haul goodies for reindeers to eat.

Santa's Sleigh is one of my favorite Christmas sets, but I always wanted eight reindeers for the sleigh. I also wanted a home for the reindeers and the sleigh; so the idea for the Reindeer Stables was born.

The back of the stables can be rotated out to accommodate eight reindeers. The sleigh garage has double doors both in front and in back to provide easy access for the sleigh. The back of the garage can also be separated as a standalone clock house. The upstairs inside the clock house, there are clock mechanisms.

Next to the garage, there is a small garden where carrots are grown for feeding the reindeers. There is also a water pump in the garden. The upstairs inside the stables, there is a fireplace as well as places for elves to work, rest and sleep.

This Reindeer Stables will be a great addition to any Christmas village.

P.S.: This set was made using Studio, which currently does not have a reindeer model. I used the horse as a stand-in for the time being.

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