Product Idea |

The Highland Cow


What's in a name?

Hello everyone, I continue to be so grateful for all the support!

Thank you to everyone that submitted a name suggestion, I collected them all and picked a name I think suits the cow best, so here it is!

I've merged suggestions from 2 comments - congratulations to BrickBec61241 suggested the first name Hamish, a common Scottish name, and EsquireQuaintMelon, whose suggestion 'Breige McMoo' I have adapted into the last name McBreige, with 'breige' being Scots Gaelic for 'brick', adding a Lego connection!

Thank you again for all your support and engagement, here's to the next 3,500 supporters!


Help Name the Highland Cow!

Thank you so much for 1000 supporters, I’m blown away by the positivity towards my build! 

To celebrate this milestone, I’d like to open the comments to suggestions to name him!

I think the perfect name would be a combination of something Scottish and Lego-y, but feel free to get creative!

If you want to leave a name suggestion, comment on the post with “Name suggestion:” and your suggested name. When we’ve got plenty of suggestions I’ll post another update with the chosen name!

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