Product Idea |

Windturbine Transporter


Hello welcome to the future of electricity, windturbines.

I'v made a windturbine, a custom trailer for the windturbine and a truck. The windturbine has a height between 84 and 128, depends on stand of rotors. It can be taken apart in 3 pieces, the pole, the generator and the rotor blades. 

The trailer is extendable, it go's from  68 to 88, so the pole will fit on it. With just a couple of changes you can transport the pole, generator or the rotor blades.

The truck is a torpedo version with the looks of a heavy duty truck. It also has a storagebox at the end of the cabin.

Once you have transported the parts of the windturbine you are able to build it again with a couple of easy steps.

I really enjoyed making this project and I hope you guys are liking this project to.

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