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Police Station and Music Store


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Police Station and Music Store,

the building is completely build like the buildings from the typical Modular Building Series. The measure of the two houses are exact the same like the measures of other Modular Buildings: The holes for the pins on the sides to connect with other Modular Building are on the correct position and the sidewalk in front of the house is in the same shape and the same colours like other Modular Buildings. Also the entire look of the set, including the facade, the colours and the type of building and building techniques are the same then this of other Lego Modular Buildings.

The Modular Building comes up with the police station on the right and the music store on the left. There is also a very small room separated of the police station with an small coffeeshop. In the ground floor of the police station is an small reception area and one small drying-out cell. In the second floor is the office of the two police guys and also an small kitchen area. In the ground floor of the other house is the music store: In the middle of the room are a small counter and a cash desk. On the walls are saxophones, guitars, trumpets, handshaker and music sheets and books. On one wall are some music notes as decoration. In the corner behind the counter also stands an piano. Another door at the and of the floor takes you outside behind the building. There you can find a ladder to get to the trumpets in the house because they are very high at the wall. Betweeen the police station and the music store stairs go up to the second level of the music store house: When you get inside you can discover the apartment of the music store keeper. On this floor the guy have an small kitchen an eating area and also a couch. The bathroom the guy have to share with the police guys because it have doors  on both sides. When you goes up the stairs you can see the bedroom and an single bathroom in one room. This bathroom also has a shower with closeable doors and a door to come outside on the roof terrace: There you can find a owl, a area with rubbish containers and old boxes and a very nice terrace with a small barbecue, some seats and a small table. When you take the stuff from the terrace you can see that one side of the floor of the terrace is moveable. If you push this side, you will see a trapdoor which you can open. Sometimes I saw criminals go through this door to steal important information out of the police office.

There are 6 Minifigures included in this set: 3 police guys, one music store keeper, one coffee shop keeper and a criminal guy.

There are many small details to see in this set, which I can’t list all here. 
So enjoy the pictures and push the support button!  
Thanks for all, who supports the building!

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