Product Idea |

In-N-Out Restaurant

Our family is a big fan of the delicious meals at In-N-Out, which is what inspired me to create my own In-N-Out restaurant. The design of the restaurant draws inspiration from the In-N-Out locations in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

The interior features a kitchen that includes a potato and vegetable preparation area, fryer, hamburger grill, ice cream shake maker, and a convenient drive-thru window. Adjacent to the kitchen, there's a cash register and a customer service counter. The dining area is equipped with ketchup dispensers and a drink station offering iced tea, lemonade, and a variety of soda options.

On the outside, you'll find a massive In-N-Out sign next to the iconic pair of palm trees. Customers can dine at the tables located in the shade of the sign or on the grassy area nearby. This Lego set aims to stir up fond memories of the enjoyable and delectable experiences had at the beloved In-N-Out restaurant for Lego enthusiasts.

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