Product Idea |

Over the Garden Wall Diorama

Over the garden wall for me is one of the best cartoon network shows ever. I always loved everything about it and last time when I was rewatching it I just saw the potential for the lego set based of this show.
So I present to all of you diorama set presenting the final scene of the show. It was the most heartbreaking and easily the best scene of the entire show. I loved everything in this scene and I just have to make set based of it.

This set includes 2 figures
  • Gregory with the rock and Jason Funderburker
  • Wirt with Beatrice, the lamp and axe
There's also buildable figure of the main villain of the show - the Beast

You can put gregory into the Edelwood to recreate the scene from the show.

The set contains of excactly 507 bricks

There are 10 round plates around the base which should represent all of the episodes but I don't know how to put the coins from each episodes as the stickers.

Hope you all will like it and thank you for all the supports it I hope will get : )

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