Product Idea |

English Telephone Booth

Hi Everyone!

Today, I unveil my latest project to you, it is an English telephone booth.
I made it from photos of the famous red cabin, which was created in 1923 during a famous competition organized by the English post office. This cabin is only installed in the City of London.

Enough talk about the real cabin, let's talk about my LEGO model, it is based on a 32x32 baseplate and at a height of 70 bricks high. This mock-up contains 2500 bricks in total and contains a moving part, the door. 😄

The cabin contains a telephone as in the real thing, I did it identically up to the keyboard and even the small writing on which is marked the price of a call which costs 10 cents, the phone is detachable and is held at the base with black chains

Let's move away a bit to talk about the structure in general, the cabin consists of 3 glass walls and a solid wall to hold the phone, at the top of the tower there is the famous writing "Telephone" and just above the golden symbol of the crown of the queen of England represented by a shell and golden horns

If you like this project and want to travel to England, don't hesitate to support this project and share it a lot. Don't hesitate to support my other projects too. 😊😉

Have a great day with the LEGO brick! 😉

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