Product Idea |

Disney's Edgar Rice Burroughs' Worlds of Adventure featuring Tarzan and John Carter

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I'm going to have to return with pictures - But I think we could re-utilize Pirates of the Carribean, Prince of Persia, and Dino Hunter Legos to create a fun vibrant playset environment. I'm picturing Ninjago Samukai as Tharks/Warhoons

first link -

second - YOU TOO COULD BE A PART OF OUR BACK TO BARSOOM FORUM AND HELP US GROW THE JOHN CARTER SEQUEL MOVEMENT! All members and new members, please go to Take a moment and register to be a member. We are getting some really great posts, articles, stories, fan art and more from this group. All of this will help us reach search engines and for all the world to see! Over half of the new members we are getting are from Google search. This is what we need for our campaign – our numbers increasing as we cover all the bases from every source. HELP TAKE US BACK TO BARSOOM! WE WANT A JOHN CARTER SEQUEL!

obviously Photoshopped but — it is a germ of an idea.

And Fire/Ice Dragons as Helium and Zodanga fliers

As suggested "jungle boy" makes a dandy Tarzan - and comes with monkey pal

I think the above are Prince of Persia mini-figs - as John Carter and Dejah Thoris

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