Product Idea |

Pneumatic Hand Prothesis ( Technic )

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This is a fully functional human size Lego Technic hand prothesis.
It is operated using:
-2 pneumatic pumps ( can be substituted by a 1x6L pump compressor )
-10 pneumatic valves
-2 large pneumatic cylinders
-8 mini pneumatic cylinders
-1 Power Functions battery box
-1 large  motor ( Power Functions )
-1 servo motor ( Power Functions )
-1 battery box ( Power Functions )
-1 electric switch ( Power Functions )
   And many Lego Technic parts

-wrist flexion
-each finger can be operated independently ( including the thumb )
-the thumb has 3 degrees of freedom
-fingers can be spread out and folded.                                                

It can actualy hold objects.

                      Happy building

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