Product Idea |

Gravity Falls:Portal Ruins

"Against all odds, I'm back"

This is encapsulates the unforgettable final scene in the episode "Not what he seems" portraying the return of the author of the journals and Stanley's twin brother Stanford. It depicts as Ford is exiting the destroyed portal that he built 30 years before (and was sucked into) and that Stan has been attempting to bring him back since.

I built it because it's one of my favorite scene and an overall memorable episode and moment engrained in the memories of fans. As well, I found many MOC's of the portal built but none of the destroyed version, so I toke the opportunity to make something new.

As a set (if made) it would give an excellent and interesting building experience with different techniques, for terraforming, angles and rebar. Price wise shouldn't be too much either, also a great way to commemorate the 11th year anniversary of gravity falls.

SUPORT + SHARE : So I can afford to make the rest of the Pines + Soos (comment if you got the reference at the top)

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