Product Idea |

NASA’s SLS Block 1 & 1B Rockets - Artemis Missions



We’d like to thank every single one of the 10,000 supporters who got behind this product idea. Your votes and the passion shown in your comment, posts and DMs has been a true source of inspiration! 
In the spirit of the first explorers to the moon, you’ve shown true determination and grit in voicing the desire for modern NASA themed Lego sets with exacting detail and accuracy. It’s almost as highly anticipated as our return to the moon.
As the reviewers start their work, your collective enthusiasm has helped to make the Lego SLS in 1:110 a step closer to reality, which would make the perfect bookend for Saturn V.
A project like this comes from a huge combined effort and we want to share our sincere appreciation for everyone behind this project. Firstly there’s special thanks to the myriad of people who helped promote this project online and in the real world. These supporters included many new friends from around the world, especially those in the r/nasa and r/space Reddit groups.
We were also honoured to have many supporters from NASA get behind this project. Thank you for the suggestions and guidance, we’re thrilled you liked our build. Special thanks to the teams at Johnson Space Centre and Kennedy Space Centre, you know who you are.
Whilst we won’t be able to make further comments here shortly, we want to stay in touch. The project’s Facebook page: Lego NASA SLS set v.2022 is where you can follow any future additions and developments.
The future of Lego space sets is brighter than ever!  NASA is returning us to the moon and creating a whole new generation of space travellers. Just as we were inspired as kids by Space Lego, we now hope to inspire future kids to build their own Lego rockets, so one day they can build real ones.

Thank You

Valerie & Matthew

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SLS block 1 Crew version with current Orion spacecraft, height 89 cm, 1615 bricks.

SLS Block 1B Crew version with future Exploration Upper Stage, height 100,5 cm, 1985 bricks.

Current Orion spacecraft, 159 bricks.

Future Exploration Upper Stage, 423 bricks.

Orion capsule with unfolded solar panels on its stand, 49 bricks.

Both Orion spacecraft & Exploration Upper Stage stand, 177 bricks.



As we count down to 10,000, you absolutely blow us away with your support and generous comments! There's little more than seven hundred tickets available for this adventure before the 10k takeoff...
Before time runs out, we wanted to update some key elements to our project to make just a few refinements.
Here is a pic of our new Orion Spacecraft, now at 1/110 scale, which fits perfectly into our SLS rocket. It can be displayed on the same stand as the Exploration Upper Stage in the SLS Block 1B Crew version rocket configuration.
This last update to the design which also updates the height of the rocket (now of 89 cm for SLS block 1 & 100, 5 cm for SLS block 1B), so that it is also exactly at 1/110 scale.
Our complete "Two in One" set now includes 2624 bricks and will allow you to build two different configurations of the SLS rocket and Orion Spacecraft:
- Configuration 1 (of 2480 bricks) corresponds to the Artemis I, II & III Missions with the SLS Block 1 Crew version rocket and on a stand the future “Exploration Upper Stage” version of Orion, for deep spaceflights towards Mars and beyond...

Configuration 2 (of 2578 bricks) corresponds to the Artemis IV & V missions with the SLS Block 1B Crew version rocket and on a stand the current version of Orion Spacecraft.

Finally, there would also be the possibility of making a set (economic version with 1913 bricks) in a configuration including the SLS Block 1 Crew rocket version with its vertical stand, the current Orion Spacecraft, a mini stand to display the Orion capsule in position of flight with its solar panels unfolded & SLS display plate.


Have it fun! 😊



Hello Lego and Space friends! :-)

Here is a photo montage comparing our 1/110 scale model and the real SLS rocket: Block 1 Crew version (Mission Artemis 1).

If you enjoy our NASA Artemis SLS Lego bricks model "Two in One" set, and if you want to know more about the Aloha Bricks Team, here is the link at Brick Journal web site where you can read a wonderful article written by Joe Meno, about this project and its design by the Aloha Bricks Team:

A big thank you to all those who have already supported our project or who will do so soon, without the help of all of you, this project will have no chance of becoming reality!
Cheers :-)



Hey fellow supporters,

Thanks so much for getting behind our project. 
Here's a pic of the beautiful updated current Orion spacecraft!

Best wishes
Valerie & Matthew



Dear SLS Lego enthusiasts,

Our sincere appreciation goes out to all 5,000 of you! Thanks so much to each of you for your support, it means the world to us! We listen to all your comments and always appreciate your thoughts on the project.

As we pass the halfway mark, we also want to thank all the amazing Facebook fans across so many pages filled with supporters, along with all the Reddit contributors and Tweeters 😄
Again, thank you for being one of our first 5,000 supporters…10,000 here we come!
Best Wisches
Valerie & Matthew



The support and encouragement all 3,000 of you have given us is just fantastic!
As we approach the halfway mark, we also want to thank the amazing sites letting people know about this project, along with and all the fans on social media!
Again, thank you for being one of our first 3,000 supporters…10,000 here we come!

Matthew & Valerie



Hi fellow Lego Space enthusiasts,

Our sincere appreciation goes out to all 2,000 of you.

As we pass this milestone, we also want to thank the amazing people on social media for letting supporters know about this project. ;)

A big shout out also to the amazing supporters from NASA, who have let people far and wide know about this project.

Again, thank you for being one of our first 2,000 supporters…10,000 here we come!

Ad Astra ...
Matthew & Valerie 



Thanks so much to each of you for your support, it means the world to us!


We're especially grateful to the team at NASA, who have generously thrown their support behind this project!

Our journey is only just beginning, but to celebrate such a great start we want to thank you for contributing to the first 1,000.

10,000 here we come!
Valerie & Matthew


NASA/LEGO Designs Comparison for SLS BLOCK 1 & 1B CREW Versions


A big thank you to all for helping us pass the first 100 vote step so quickly, that's great, now let's go to the first 1K step and beyond, far towards the stars and maybe even reach the Lego Group Galaxy!

This image is the comparison between digital drawings from NASA and the renders of our two models at approximately 1/110 scale for the SLS Block 1 Crew and SLS Block 1B Crew versions. We tried to be as accurate as possible in the proportions and appearance of the rockets and to deal with the fact that this design is built in Lego bricks and it had to be done with dimensions using multiples of 1 stud on the height (8mm)!

Matthew Nolan & Whatsuptoday

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