Product Idea |

FarmVille 3: Chicken Family Home

FarmVille - Remember the good times we had since 2009?
12 years and over 700 million farms later, FarmVille 3 launched with an unprecedented selection of cute animals.

There are so many lovely buildings and animals in FarmVille 3, but this chicken themed trailer Bird Home is my favorite. It’s a home for two Leghorn chickens, Sparkles and Henna, as well as their baby chick, Mayhem. They deserve only the best!

Sparkles and Henna just love to chill under the sunshade while Mayhem is goofing around the yard.

This set would speak to farming, chicken and FarmVille fans alike. It’s so super cute that you won’t need to be a FarmVille fan to love it!

Want to see this set in your local LEGO store? Smash that support button like a hangry baby chick pecks the hand that feeds it! Also share with your fellow farmers!

You wouldn't want Sparkles, Henna and Mayhem to go hangry...

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