Product Idea |

Plants VS Zombies Peashooters


Have you ever wanted to have a Peashooter from Plants VS Zombies out of bricks?  If so, this is your set!  This small 164 piece set comes with an original Peashooter with a green pea,  a Repeater with 2 more peas, a Gatling Pea with 4 more peas, a Fire Peashooter with a red fire pea, and a Snow Pea with a blue ice pea.  This was inspired completely by Plants VS Zombies.  All of the Peashooters but the Snow Pea and Gatling Pea are as tall as a Minifig with an original hair piece.  (four bricks and one plate tall).  All of my supporters will be followed, and make sure to share or follow.  Remember guys, keep calm and brick on!

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