Thanks Everyone!
Well, time's almost gone and it's now clear that my space pirates will not reach the 10k support :D
I would like to say "thank you!" to everyone commented my idea with super kind words, I really didn't expect that kind of support guys.
I'm now working on a little diorama that will place together the ship, the mechs and other things, stay tuned... I'll maybe re-list everything in the future.
Follow me on Flick for future updates!
New Astromechs!
New Astromechs joined the Classic Space Pirates universe! :D
New AstroMech!
I'm now working on the Classic Space Pirates AstroBase, a big mashup between Classic Space and Classic Castle... but meanwhile here you can see a heavily modified Ninjago 70754 set, adapted for my #ClassicSpacePirates theme :) Hope you like it :)
More photos on my Instagram:
Check out more photos on Flickr! + New Diorama!
Thanks for your support guys, check out more photos on this album on Flickr.
I'm now working on a diorama for the Classic Space Pirates, where our favorite pirates will have to rescue the green pirate from a prison located on an asteroid...