Product Idea |

Large Delivery Truck

   This is a version of a large delivery truck also called a box truck. It is not based on any specific truck brand although it probably incorporates a lot of styles and looks from many North American brands. I built it from my memory of being around these trucks at docking stations, warehouses, and distribution centres in Ontario Canada. Anyone in the US or Canada, who live around larger urban centres especially, should be familiar with these vehicles. I don't have experience elsewhere in the planet but I suspect this would be similar to other trucks over the world.

   Initially I built this to engage my two youngest children in some of the work that their dad was involved with. I thought if I can build components or scenes from where I work, I can interact with my kids on their level and help them to better understand some of the work-stuff dad does. Once I started building it, it soon became apparent to me that this could be much more. I was really enjoying getting into the details of the build and figuring out how to make components and elements work to get the desired effect. I got so much enjoyment out of it, I thought I should share this as an idea for everyone. Once the build was completed, my kids also got to get their fun with it by including it into their city playscape. 

   In order to be a viable set, I set out to include as many playable components as possible.

  • An Emmit mini-figure is used as the base for "Emma", the box truck driver.

  • A wheeled cart is included in the back of the truck for the smaller crates.

  • All of the crates include miscellaneous pieces that one might find in random crates. The larger crate was built by my son who wanted to participate in the build with his own piece. :)

  • The tailgate lift is my favorite part of the vehicle as it includes a lifting element that is incorporated into the hinge system for the doors. It ends up having a really clean look that pretty much replicates the action of one of the real-life versions.

  • The rear tires are connected to the drive train of the engine by technic pieces that make for an interesting look as it rotates with the rear tires through a gear assembly.

  • All of the doors on the truck can be manipulated as well as the mirrors. 

  • The roof of the cab and the box can be removed for easier playability.

There are 444 pieces on this model. It would make a great addition to any imagineer's Lego pile as it includes many pieces and building technics that can be utilized throughout one's collection. 


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