Product Idea |

Countryside Old Train Station

I saw in Poland fantastic old train station and I thought about build it. It was a very very tough for me, because the roof was very complicated, and I spent even most time to create it, but I have a hope the effect is grate for You:) 
The next chellange was the clock tower, ornaments/details on wall surface and equipement of the train station with preserving their historical condition.

The train station have 5 modules (enternance, main hall, tickets office, hall with coffe shop and track) and every the roof panel is removable. 

The set has 7 figures:
Small Lisa
Tom's mom - Sofia
Lisa's granny - Beatrice
Musician - Mike
Coffee shop worker - Kate
Tickets Offcie worker- Henry

Set has circa 1900 parts and 5 stickers.

Width 34.1cm x Lenght 31.4cm x Height 30.7cm

If you are curious how looks my inspiration, look it up information about The station of Kaiser
Wilhelm II in Gumniska Małe - GPS: 53.925890 19.675980 (Poland). 
Currently, the railway station is under renovation and there is a boutique hotel there.

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