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Klimt: The Kiss

We went to Belvedere palace in Vienna to see one of Klimt’s most famous work: The Kiss. This masterpiece now hangs in the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere , and was painted at 1908. The painting depicts a couple embracing each other. There is no evidence, but it is thought that the man is Klimt himself and the woman is his companion Emilie Flöge who modeled for the work. It was a great experience to see the painting in person, and its size (180cm*180 cm) was much bigger than I imagined.
Both of their clothes are very detailed, and I tried to follow the colors and the shapes on its lego version too.
The lego set is ~115cm*144 cm, and 2081 pieces.

I hope you like the lego version of this painting too 😊

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