Product Idea |

Power Functions Thumbstick


Excavator Demonstration Using Thumbstick Controllers

Thanks to stingray665 of the Nordbau AG, a club of radio-control construction vehicle enthusiasts, I can show you a video of a pair of these thumbstick controllers in action:

The left stick controls the digger arm UP and DOWN, and rotation LEFT and RIGHT.

The right stick controls reach OUTWARDS and INWARDS using UP and DOWN, and controls the bucket SCOOP and TIP action with LEFT and RIGHT.

The centre controller drives the two tracks of the excavator FORWARD and BACK.

This is using Jurgen Krooshoop's instructions to modify a LEGO 8043 Excavator for fully independent control, and a pair of my thumbsticks with a third standard PF controller, as in my last project photograph:

As you can see, a full-function excavator can be controlled just like the real thing, with two joysticks operated simultaneously.

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