Product Idea |

Indiana Jones : Temple of the Golden Idol


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This set based of : Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, has 2568 pcs and 6 minifigures.

The minifigures are ;
Indiana Jones with his trusty whip,
Sapito with a torch,
Jock with his fishing stick,
Réné Belloq with a pistol,
and 2 Hovitos with spears !

The set has all the most iconic parts from the scene, and is divided in 5 sections :
The Entrance,
The 1st Hall,
The 2nd Hall,
The Ravine,
and The Main Hall, with a added side-build of Jock's Plane !

The set has a couple features, like :
The Falling Door,
The Rolling Boulder,
and The Shooting Spears !

This set has a lot of leaves and plants which makes you think you're in a Peruvien jungle !

I think this set would sell well, and would bring back the theme in such a big way !

In hope that you support, thank you for at least looking at my idea of :
Indiana Jones : Temple of the Golden Idol !

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